Technical consultancy • Engineering • Project management

Innovation, effort and a great team,
the key to our success


naval sector

(civilian and military)



NEODYN was founded in 2004, with its origin being the provision of a specialised engineering, technical consultancy and project management service, thus closing the value chain to which the business group in which it is integrated directs its activity.

Likewise, NEODYN is constituted as the entity destined to develop the corporate services of the group, these being integrated by all the functional areas of support to the primary functions.

People are the most important asset of NEODYN and the INTAF GROUP. Their professional capacity, involvement and commitment are the differentiating element on which we focus our efforts.

Availability and dedication are inherent characteristics of our human resources, ensuring an optimum level of flexibility and agility of service.

Our social responsibility policy is aimed at guaranteeing decent working conditions that favour occupational health and safety and the human and professional development of our people. Knowledge management is a key element of our strategy.

Áreas y Servicios

Technical consultancy


Project management


  • Trained and specialised human resources.
  • Computer-aided design for the modelling of assemblies and mechanical parts in 2D, 3D and the production of drawings.
  • Customer support in the search for the technical solutions best suited to their needs.
  • Finite element calculation (FEM). Allows support for modelling, design and validation of ideas by analysing stresses and deformations in designs.
  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) to support all processes and functions.


Convinced of the importance of innovation and the optimisation of management efficiency and effectiveness, and applying a firm focus on the customer and processes, NEODYN has developed and implemented a Management System in which three core aspects of the activity coexist in an integrated manner: quality, environment and occupational risk prevention.

This system has been developed based on the following standards

  • UNE-EN ISO 9001
  • UNE-EN ISO 14001
  • OHAS 18001
  • It has been certified by Det Norske Veritas, an accredited certification body.
  • NEODYN is registered in the Register of Companies of the General Directorate of Armament and Material.


Intaf activates in Narón its unique steel parts treatment centre in Spain

Intaf activates in Narón its unique steel parts treatment centre in Spain

Alfonso Rueda celebrates a project that will serve “200 companies in Galicia”. The Intaf Group has already started up its centre for the treatment of large steel parts. It is a unique infrastructure in Spain. The main feature of the manufacturing centre is a system of furnaces in which an investment of more than 2.6 million euros has been made (80% financed by the Xunta de Galicia through the Igape).

Contact form


Estrada de Cedeira 209
15570 – Narón (A Coruña) – Spain
Tel. +34 981 397 142

Estrada de Cedeira 209
15570 – Narón (A Coruña) – Spain
Tel. +34 981 397 142